Collection of free online unit converters for unit conversions between most of the units you can think of. Thousands of units, and millions of conversions. Convert length measurements like meter, inches, feet or light years.

Unit converter, Measurement conversion, Text tools and converters, Mathematical calculators, Date and time tools, sport calculators. Provides a free online conversion tool to easily convert between different units of measurement in more than categories. This online unit conversion tool will help you convert measurement units anytime and solve homework problems quickly using metric conversion tables, SI units, . Conversion of units is the conversion between different units of measurement for the same quantity, typically through multiplicative conversion factors. Everyone asked this question at least once when struggling with some units conversion task.

Why isn’t there one measurement system that everyone uses? Learn about unit conversion in the metric system. Kategorie auswählen, dann die Ausgangs- und Zielgrösse auswählen. Interactive multi-lingual conversion calculator for a wide variety of units.

Use this conversion calculator to convert between the most common units. A full list of unit converters is available at unitconverters. Unit conversion is a multi-step process that involves multiplication or division by a numerical factor, selection of the correct number of significant . Convert Units for Free is the #Unit Conversion App on the App Store since 20with over million users to date.

Convert between metric measures of distance, volume, and mass. Fill in the table to convert the units of measure from milliliters to liters or liters to milliliters. PTC Mathcad is the engineering math software that allows users to perform unit conversion and keep unit consistency throughout engineering calculations. To convert a measurement, enter it in the text box what units you are using.

The conversions should be correct, but I make no liability that the are not.