Umrechner von Kilogramm in Pfunde (von kg in lb) für Gewichtumrechnungen mit zusätzlichen Tabellen und Formeln. These tools help you convert between kilograms, pounds and ounces (kg, lb and oz), all of which are measurements of mass and weight. Kilograms (kg) to Pounds (lbs) Ounces (oz) conversion calculator and how to convert.

Enter weight to be converted at top of calculator. Select the radio button to convert into kilograms or pounds. Quickly convert kilograms into pounds (kg to lbs) using the online calculator for metric conversions and more. Quickly convert kilograms into pounds (kg to lb) using the online calculator for metric conversions and more.

Use the following calculator to convert between kilograms and pounds. If you need to convert kilograms to other units, please try our universal Weight and Mass . Converting from kilograms to pounds can be solved as a simple unit conversion problem, so long as you know what the conversion factor between pounds .

Convert Pounds to Kilograms,Weight Conversions. Online calculators to convert pounds to kilograms (lb to kg) and kilograms to pounds (kg to lb) with formulas, examples, and tables.